Sunday, December 16, 2007

In Loving Memory

Today, December 16th, marks the 3 month anniversary of the stillbirth of our precious son, Nicholas Allen Frank. I had the pleasure of carrying him in my womb for almost 6 months and every day was cherished. Although I will probably always yearn for more time with him here on earth, I have peace that he never had to suffer and will spend eternity (right from the start!) in heaven with our Lord. We will never know exactly what happened, but our doctor did find out that I had a blood clot develop in my placenta, which caused a partial cut-off of blood, nutrients and oxygen between me and the baby. Eventually his heart just stopped beating. A random and very rare occurrence, especially that late into a pregnancy. Although the daily heartache has subsided, little daily events sometimes trigger the grief again, and of course anniversaries are tender times. But the Lord is healing our hearts and strengthening our souls, urging us to depend on Him even when His ways are not always understood.

We love you, angel boy! silently born on 9.16.07 * 12.6 ounces, 10.75 inches

This is a memory box I made for Nicholas, which includes his actual handprints and footprints which were pressed into clay.

This memorial stone will eventually become part of a water feature/landscaping in our backyard.


Katy said...

I love you Lisa and find myself praying for you and Keith often. Love.

Allison McKenney said...

I love you!

I keep thinking of the words to "that one" Watermark song - "Let sweet Jesus hold you, till Mom and Dad can hold you..."