Sunday, December 23, 2007

Christmas Eve #1

Since September, my sister Dana and her husband Travis have been living in London while Dana attends the London School of Economics for her master's degree. We miss them both terribly! Lucky for us, Dana was able to fly home and spend this past week with us, so we had our family Christmas Eve a bit early this year! It was a wonderfully relaxing change of pace! Here's the whole family at my parents' house last night... (click on any picture to enlarge it)

3 generations of Cook ladies :-)

Lisa, Keith and Madeline (almost 14 months old!)

Maddie loved her new car from Nana!

Cook family stockings...even one for Travis, who had to stay back in London. :-(

Maddie with her favorite Aunt Dana

Getting ready to practice walking again! Yesterday she was able to balance on the couch like this, then take off across the room and even catch her balance and change directions mid-stride!
Tomorrow we'll celebrate Christmas Eve with all the relatives on the Cook side of the family at my Aunt Shauna's house, then again with the family on Christmas Day at my Aunt LeeAnn's house. I'll be sure to post more pictures!

Merry Christmas everyone! :-)


Allison McKenney said...

I love all the pictures, and I love your dress! :)

Katy said...

You look great, Lisa! The pics are wonderful. Merry Christmas to you too! Love.

Stephanie said...

Evelyn got the same car from her grandparents and LOVED it, too!! Merry Christmas! Glad your whole family could be together!