Monday, September 8, 2008

House Photos

Months and months ago I posted some photos of our remodeled house, but I left out a few rooms and I figured it was about time to do an update. The kitchen is *mostly* done, except for some cabinet doors we need to have professionally painted and then installed (one of the next projects on the never-ending list!), then at some point we'll have a built-in table put in the dining nook in the kitchen. You know how when you're working so hard on a long project and you get it to that "pretty much done" point? Then you sit around and live with it for awhile and pretty soon you have to remind yourself, "Oh yeah, someday I need to get around to finishing that!" Yep, we're there. :-)

Our master bedroom...French doors lead to our backyard (another big project for next Spring!). Poor Lucy, she was so exhausted, what does she do all day? Lay around? :-)


Heather Elizabeth said...

Congrats Lisa! It looks beautiful. You must be super proud of all the hard work.

Katy said...

Scumptous! I smiled at the Lucy comment you made! HA!

Allison McKenney said...



Christine said...

Yay! So pretty. :) Here's a goal... have a table in the kitchen by the next time we come for dinner. Think that's enough time? ;) xo